Xander Bly

Xander Bly is an Australian who has moved to the United States. When he first arrived he had no friends and was bullied mercilessly over his accent, and sympathises with people who are alone. He likes riding his skateboard and likes to show off, using his charming smile to his advantage whenever possible. When faced with trouble, Xander will always attempt to talk his way out of it (or Plan Xander as he calls it), which has done nothing to phase Necrolai or the other various monsters he has to face as the Green Mystic Ranger.

When working at the Rock-Porium, Xander was more likely to be found assigning work to the other Rangers as opposed to actually working himself. He works as the second-in-command of the Ranger team and briefly clashed with Daggeron for suddenly coming in and becoming the Rangers' mentor out of the blue. His overconfidence and ego have gotten him into danger several times, but his quickness in admitting when he is wrong has earned him several spell codes. After the battle against the Master, he became the official manager of the Rock Porium.

As the Green Mystic Ranger, Xander wields the power of the earth and can magically bulk up his muscles to Hulk-like proportions. His weapon is the Magi Staff Ax. He also owns a Mystic Racer. His Titan form is the Mystic Minotaur, which makes up the bulk of the Mystic Dragon and Titan Megazord formations. As the Green Legend Warrior, Xander gains the Mystic Lion Staff which allows him to cast the Rock Slide spell and allows him, Vida, Madison, and Chip to become the Mystic Lion.