Charlie "Chip" Thorn

Charlie Thorn, known as "Chip" to his friends, is the self-proclaimed "Superhero Expert". Chip is considered a little odd as he loves fairy tales and phases in and out of reality, and repeatedly wore a superhero costume to high school and even to the prom. He was deemed by Madison as "the perfect example of a non-human species". Chip is a fantastic archer, a member of the chess club at school, and a part of COUNTV - Containment Of Underworld Nocturnal Transylvanian Vampires. Chip is always cheerful and eager to learn all he can about magic, and began to idolize Daggeron during Soul Specter. After the final battle, he was telling fictional tales of his battles as a Power Ranger to the ladies from both realms.

Despite their wildly different personalities, Chip has been close friends with Vida ever since she stuck up for him when they were children. When she was turned into a vampire, he showed a far more serious and intense side in his attempts to save her, including taking on Koragg and Necrolai by himself. He is extremely passionate about being a Ranger, taking it much harder than the others when they failed to save people from Gnatu and berating Nick/Bowen for betraying everything they stood for when he wanted to surrender to Oculous.

As the Yellow Mystic Ranger, Chip wields the power of lightning. His main weapon is the Magi Staff Crossbow. He owns a Mystic Racer and his Titan Form is the Mystic Garuda, which becomes the wings for both the Mystic Dragon and Titan Megazord. He is currently the third male Yellow Ranger to be featured in Power Rangers. As the Yellow Legend Warrior, Chip gains the Mystic Lion Staff which allows him to cast the Lightning Bolt spell, and allows him, Vida, Madison and Xander to become the Mystic Lion.